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AboutThe Portable Document Format (PDF) is widely accepted on the Internet in communication between different parties. Books, papers, technical drawings, PDF is capable of handling them all. In order to make PDF a success, free (and very good) viewers are available. And some of these are even open source.Strangely enough, there is still not a good and free (open source) PDF Editor, like Adobe's Acrobat, to merge, split and annotate PDF files.
This is where pdftk comes in. Pdftk is a small, open source command line utility, available at http://www.pdfhacks.com/pdftk/
The fact that pdftk is a command line application allows people to batch process large number of PDF files. But it's also a major drawback to allow an introduction of pdftk to a bigger audience. Pdftk4all will be a GUI to pdftk. It will allow common users to quickly use the most standard PDF edit tasks (rotate, join, etc), while advanced users can benefit from pdftk4all in having a utility to fill pdf forms and extract data from forms. To make pdftk4all even more accessible to the public, a Windows Shell extension has been created. The ability to right-click a pdf file and rotate it on the fly, or select multiple files and join them in one file makes pdftk4all even better in simple pdf edit tasks than Acrobat. FeaturesPDFTK4ALL provides an interface to the PDFTK command line utilty. So it's main feature is that fact that it allows people to use PDFTK in a simple way. Below is a list of PDFTK features that PDFTK4ALL provides an interface to:
ScreenshotsBelow is a screenshot of pdftk4all version BETA, displaying the Join tab.
Below is a screenshot of the Encryption window.
DownloadThere are three kind of file packages available.
PDFTK4All, including a copy of PDFTK version 1.41
PDFTK4All Source SupportSupport is only provided through our Forums or Trackers. Before filing a support request, be sure your question was not already answered before by checking the Support tracker, or by checking the Help Forum.
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Feature RequestBefore submitting a new feature request, please note the following: PDFTK4ALL is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to an existing commandline utility called PDFTK. This means that PDFTK4ALL only implements features from PDFTK in a graphical environment. If you have a requist for a pdf-based feature that PDFTK doesn't support, PDFTK4ALL cannot support it either.For feature requests that focus on PDFTK4ALL, please visit the Sourceforge Feature Request tracker and submit a new request. ContactThere are several ways to get in contact. See the items below for information.
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